
Oh! Sweet Honey!

De Dutch

1725 Robson Street

Food 3/5
Service 5/5
Atmosphere 4/5

"Go Dutch in De Dutch."

Do you know this meaning? It's not idiom. I'm just kidding. This words means that split the bill in De Dutch which is a delicious, cute dutch restaurant. Sure, you can eat on your own money, or on your boyfriend's treat. (You thought how about girl friend? No way! )

Anyway, you can enjoy even dutch dating here. Are you wondering?

Inside De Dutch

So cute! Some tulips (maybe artificial) were decorated on the cream wall. I could find other things representatives dutch, such as blue crockery, big shoes, and windmill ornaments!! As if I visited a Dutchman's house.

Strangely, I found the rainbow flag among Canada flag , US flag (no Dutch flag) First, I thought it was Dutch flag. If it had been true, how lovely! In fact, the rainbow flag means "I support gay culture." First of August, the big gay parade will be held. I love this restaurant. (I don't mean I love gay culture)

How was taste?

Here, it is Maple Banana Walnut PANNEKOEKEN I ordered. PANNEKOEKEN is a traditional Dutch dish. Big, huge, THIN, pancake. We can eat it only here.

My PANNEKOEKEN looked very simple, but inside it, very very sweet baked banana was included. Besides, covered with sugar thoroughly, a cup of syrup. Even hearing these words, I seem to become fat. Otherwise, its taste was really sugary sweet. After I finished, I preferred zesty something rather than dessert.


Good staff is important for our enjoying eating. A waitress who served us was a funny beautiful lady. For her kind service, my first Dutch restaurant delighted me. Thanks lady! I'll be back soon!!

Do you wanna come with me? If you don't mind even dutch dating.


Cursed Old Castles in the world

Are you scared? If your heart was weak, you would have better skip this blog. Otherwise, if you seek stimulation for your boring life, you ought to keep reading!

There are so many castles dotting in the world. The Versailles Palace in Paris, Windsor castle in British, Castle Sant'Angelo in Italy and so on...all they are marvelous solemn architecture. Though I've never been to Europe, I wanna visit such castles someday. However, these historical buildings has also long, sorrowful, merciless past. The older the castle is, The deeper its sorrow is.

From now on, I'll show you my list of 5 cursed old castle. After reading this list, it depends on you whether to go there or not. I can't force you...

My Top 5 Cursed Old Castle:

Number 1 - Blood Red London Tower(British)

This tower was built by king William as his fort and palace in 1078, most biggest castle in those day. Many queens and nobles who had been defeated in politics, and many mutineers were confined within this building. They were tortured repeatedly, and finally they got their heads chopped off with a hatchet. Among them, there were two queens of Henry Ⅷ. This barbarous king made a false charge against them. Two queens' malice are still remain in this castle, and lots of people have witnessed their figures in agony. You can see them East End, the shore of Thames river in London.

Number 2 - Frankenstein Castle(Germany)
It is located on a hill, 5 km south from Darmstadt in Germany. This ruined castle was built by nobles who had succeeded the name Frankenstein before 13th century. From the end of 17th century to the begining of 18th century, an alchemist and natural philosopher Johann Konrad Dippel has lived there. He was an excellent, but he also was criticized as corpses thief. Then, it was said that he was sucking their blood. In fact, he became a model of the novel Frankenstein.

Number 3 - Chateau de Tiffauges (France).

In 15th century, there was Earl Gilles de Rais in this castle. This nobleman was a foremost highbrow man, and also a hero flourished with Jeanne d'Arc. While, he had so horrible inclination to assault, and to kill huge number of beautiful boys. The number of their bodies were more than 200. On October 26th, 1440, an abnormal 36-year-old was arrested and executed. His murder site, Chateau de Tiffauges was already ruined. Some parts of this wall stand along the road between Nantes and Poitiers, France

Number 4 - Cachticky Hrad (Slovak)
You know, Elisabeth Bathory von Ecsed, a killer of more than 600 women. She is a model of vampire. Her atrocious conduct was just for her eternal youth and beauty. In this her castle, hundreds of women's bodies had their lukewarm red blood squeezed with various execution devices, one of them called iron maiden. It was a black box like a casket inside of which had infinite thorns. Women who was putted inside this horrible system shouted tortured shriek might have sounded whole castle. After extinguishing their voice, Elizabeth drunk their blood and soaked in the bath filled with blood. Now, the wall of this castle remains scores poor women scratched for escaping from suffering.

Number 5 - Himeji Castle(Japan)

There is a famous tale ghosts, Sarayashiki(a dish premise) or Okiku-san in Japan. Some parts of this country have similar story with this ghosts story. Among them, Himeji castle in Osaka is one of the most popular place. Here is the general story;
In 16th century, a woman named Okiku worked in a big premise as a servant. By the way, she dropped one of precious 10 dishes and broke them. The main breadwinner of this house got angry and killed her. He threw away her body into the well. Ever since, her voice counting the number of dishes had been heared from the well night after night. Finally, her malice killed him.
There is the well in the center garden of this castle. Actually, I have been to this castle and seen this well! It seemed just normal well at the first sight, but the depth was too deep to look into and so dark.

How was these top 5? Are you OK? Anyway, there are plenty of such castle in the world. Maybe more scary, more horrible. Besides, not only castle but houses, places, hotel, hospital, ruined village and more. Really, I have been such cursed place at once. I mean not Himeji castle. It was a old tunnel in a fold of hills. So, you can also go. It is free to go there. But! I'll warn you that you should watch out your back......

Beckingham Palace Made of Cocain !

How shocking! The England star soccer player, David Beckham, was covered with cocaine. He had abandoned participation of FIFA World Cup 2010 for his foot injured in AcMilan's Serie A on March. Ever since, he has seemed to be unstable. I am sure that's why he dabbled with awful temporary pleasures!!

His massive of white powder was found is the cellar of his huge house in Hartford shire, North London. You know, it's Beckingham Palace.

The London Police announced,
"It became a cue for discovering his secret that we had arrested a deranged soccer player, within a midnight city a month before World Cup."
The Football Association have disguised this fact until yesterday for preventing confusion during big event in South Africa - good judgement.

Where is my David, now? How about Victoria Beckham? London police and football officers are keeping silent. So, please tell me if someone knows newer information about this . I am so sad.....
*This blog is not true because it's one of my writing class project.